As in every book ever published, a few typos eluded numerous edits by multiple people and Grammarly in Early American Prescut Glass by Tina Spain McDuffie. They magically appeared after publication . Here’s a quick reference of important corrections you might want to note in your copies. They’re organized by printing.

The lowest number visible on the printing number line on the copyright page indicates which printing you have. For example, “9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1” means you have a 1st printing, while “9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2” indicates you have a 2nd printing, and so forth.

1st Printing Errata & Additions

Page 2 – The caption under the advertisement should read “Indianapolis, Indiana” not “Indianapolis, Illinois”. Corrected in 2nd Printing.

Page 152, Crown EAPC Platter Specifications Table – Part Number: 3154*. This is an addition rather than an erratum. The information was found in a Crown Catalogue digitized by the Powerhouse Museum after the first printing of Early American Prescut Glass was released. I’ve included it in the second printing.

Page 153, Crown EAPC Salad Bowl Specifications Table – Part Number: 3153*. This is an addition rather than an erratum. The information was found in a Crown Catalogue digitized by the Powerhouse Museum after the first printing of Early American Prescut Glass was released. I’ve included it in the second printing.

Miscellaneous formatting, spacing, punctuation, and spelling corrections to various captions throughout the book that do not affect the content. I figured I may as well fix them for the 2nd printing while I was making the above-listed correction and additions. Header and footer corrections on pages 386 and 388 of the Index.

2nd Printing Errata

None found so far.

Last update: 10 September 2024

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