We need your support! Building, maintaining, and expanding this Early American Prescut Glass Knowledge Base requires a great deal of time and some expense. Ongoing monetary expenses include domain name registration, web hosting fees, WordPress plugins, reference materials, etc.

If you have found this Knowledge Base helpful, please consider supporting it in one or more of the following ways:

  • Monetary donation. This will help us keep the website up and running (web hosting fees, domain name fees) and enhance the content.
  • Anchor Hocking Catalogs from the 1960s and 1970s – paper or PDFs.
  • Collectors’ Guides that feature the Anchor Hocking lines presented on this website. See Resources for a list of books I already have.
  • Misc reference materials such as Anchor Hocking advertisements, Recipe Books packaged with some sets, etc. – paper, PDFs or image files are fine.
  • Photos that you have personally taken:
    • Of applicable items, preferably on a plain, solid background. When providing photos of items, it is helpful if they’re taken from various angles and also with a tape measure depicting the dimensions.
    • Of EAPC pieces in use such as a table settings, vases with flowers, full bowls, all the ways you use your EAPC everyday.
    • Of EAPC sightings in television shows, movies, modern advertisements for other things…
  • Proofreading and/or editing services. I make typos just like everyone else.
  • Article writing is always appreciated. Pick an EAPC subject and let’s talk about it.

As of March 31, 2023, I have spent more than 200 hours setting up this EAPC Knowledge Base website; writing content; editing, resizing, and compressing images; taking photos; researching, checking accuracy…

It’s a big job. Any way you can help will be much appreciated.


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If you find this knowledge base helpful, please show your support by donating.