How to Make a Tiered Platter

Today’s project (Dec 16, 2022) and my first attempt at drilling glass. The hardware is from my Mikasa two-tiered tray. It’s definitely not a perfect job, but it will work for Christmas cookies this year.

I ordered a glass drill bit set from amazon, Bosch I think. It has carbide spade tips. I thought the hole saw diamond bits were too big. Ended up being the 1/4-inch bit from the set. But the size will depend on the hardware you have. You might try goodwill or thrift stores for cheap two-tiered plate sets to get the hardware. Then size the hole the same as the plates you take off the hardware. It does require a great deal of patience to drill glass I found. Depending on what you want to use them for, the glass candle holder between the plates would be much easier. Use museum gel to hold them together. Then when the wedding is over, you still have plates without holes.

Mavis posted one of hers made with the same hardware, a bowl, and a platter.

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