A Collector’s Guide to Anchor Hocking’s Fire-King Glassware Vol 2

A Collector’s Guide to Anchor Hocking’s Fire-King Glassware by Garry & Dale Kilgo and Jerry & Gail Wilkins. 1997. ISBN 9780963511911.
Relevant Pages
- History, page ii
- Forward, page v
- Early American Prescut 1960-1978, pages 18-27
- Butter Dishes, pages 136-137
- Royal Ruby Novelties 1940-1964, pages 156-157
- Give Aways, pages 194-195
- Snack Sets, pages 180-181
- Punch Bowls, pages 182-183
Very useful. The authors identify every item pictured. A detailed listing on pages 20 and 21 lists the production items the authors were able to discover, along with the years those pieces were in production. Several sets are also listed at the bottom of those pages with the pieces they contain.