EACP Iced Tea Glass
EACP Iced Tea Glass

Iced Tea Glass – EAPC

Dimensions: 3.25″ dia x 6″ high*. 15 oz*
Part Number:732*
732C* (4-packs, aka Anchor Packs)
Catalogs:1964* thru 1978+
Known Colors:Crystal
Other Names:Large Glass, Large Tumbler, 15 oz Iced Tea, 15 oz Cooler
Part of:Iced Tea Set
Notes:Pricey when you can find them.

Early American Prescut Iced Tea Glasses in very good condition are one the most avidly sought EAPC items. They are also often quite pricey to purchase online, running between $15 to $45 each! So when you find them for $10 or less, grab them while you can.

These glasses hold 15 ounces when filled to the rim. They were sold individually and in Anchor Packs of four. Anchor Hocking also packaged six Iced Tea Glasses with a Large Round Pitcher to make up its short-lived Iced Tea Set in the 1964 catalog. So Iced Tea Glasses are not nearly as prevalent as the 10-ounce Water Glasses, which were sold individually, in Anchor Packs, and in Water/Refreshment Sets for many years.

Sellers sometimes confuse Oatmeal glasses with EAPC glasses. Two features make it easy to distinguish them:

  1. EAPC glasses always have a star.
  2. EAPC glasses have straight sides, while Oatmeal glasses have flared sides.


More on Early American Prescut (EAPC)

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